Proud To be an Indian

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Events in year 2009/2010

1st Semester

Freshies Camp 09/10

Fresh thoughts, ambitions, and ideas tend to follow up when this event comes.
Many 109 intake were 50-50 by knowing us at the beginning but as time goes and we mingled around, the new faces were very much welcomed in to the ICS family and they loved it. It was one week(7days) programme where juniors will get to know each others and also the seniors. Started on Monday and ends on Sunday with a Finale Nite.
This is where juniors were exposed to the university life to the MAX.
Bravo Juniors!

Talent Gala 2009

This is a wonderful annual show where students don't miss it. This is a show where our MMU students are to perform and expose their talents to the outside world. This grand event's budget is RM 22,000.00. Not only that people, we have our local artist performing in this grand show as well. Talent Gala 2009 was associated with Hervin, Psychomantra, Dhilip Varman, Visvamitra, and Rapperayana which left the stages rocking to the very end. The noble part of this show is that the profit is channeled to the ICS tuition class in collaboration with MINDA.

Closed Kabbadi Tournament

What is Kabbadi??
This is an event for who think they don't know what kabbadi is.
Closed Kabbadi tournament was initialize to give exposure to MMU Students on this traditional game KABBADI. But our MMU boys were beyond the expectation where they were very much into this beautiful game. The tournament was won by 108 intake boys. Bravo 108 intakes!!

2nd Semester

Tuition Class Registration 09/10 - Part 1

Tuition Class is the heartbeat of ICS MMU Melaka, where both the tuition students and ICS Members put their heart and soul bind together to archive the peak knowledge and results in UPSR, PMR, and SPM. This part 1 registration consist of UPSR, PMR and SPM students only. At later stages the PMR class will split in to two. This is just to arrange the students according to their level and speed of understanding. Other than that we will give all out at the same rate for both classes. This classes will start on the 1st of December 2009, early start should have a promising factor with colorful results.

Open Kabbadi Tournament

Here comes the real thing. This is where kabbadi masters play, from all around Malaysia, we invited the professional kabbadi players to compete here in MMU Melaka who sponsored RM1,000.00.This event's VIP was Dato Sinasi, he is the chairperson of Melaka Kabbadi Association. We too have invited a team from our brother campus MMU Cyberjaya to participate as a sign of our friendship and love. It was a mesmerizing sport where you can feel the grounds are rumbling while they were playing.

Tuition Class Registration 09/10 - Part 2

This 2nd part registration is for the Form 1,2,4 students. Hundreds of students came to our CLC Concourse on the 1 January 2010 to register themselves. Which means ICS/Minda Tuition classes are now complete and all 7 classes will starts on the 14th January 2010(Ponggal). Ponggal resembles the new start with prosperity, luck and love. Let the student power emerge!!


All the above is a genuine list of events that had happen throughout the previous semesters.

Yet, to all my beloved kaigezzz and chikadees,:

'kanna ithu verum trailer thaa, main picture 3rd semester le varuthu'

Make yourself free on each weekends mainly Saturdays because in the 3rd semester, we will be having events week in week out.
Such as:

- Valentine Fever: Time for some L.O.V.E.

- Bollywood Nite : Aai Chakedhe Patthe!!

- ICS Futsal Carnival : Sports again!

- National Urmi Mealum Competition : Miss it, you miss dancing

- Ponggal Vizha : Ponggalo Ponggal!!

- ICS Sports Carnival : A day of war with brother campus...

- Intervarsity Football Tournament : cute footballers + hot chicks = FUN.

Its not over yet,there is still more to come friends. I will keep you updated.
Long live ICS MMU Melaka

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