Proud To be an Indian

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

History of ICS MMU Melaka

The Indian Cultural Society or popularly known as ICS was founded in July 1997. It carries the honor of being one of the first societies formed in Multimedia University. ICS has come around successfully with approximately 800 members till this very day.

The Ad-Hoc committee lead by Mr. Saravanan (founder) organized the first Annual General Meeting where the society’s rules and regulations were outlined. Mr. V. Nantha Kumar was elected as the first official President.

The 2nd AGM was held in July 1998. Mr. L. Kamaleshwaran was elected as the president of the society. His committee carried out activities such as the “Book Donation Drive” which was held in conjunction with the “Welfare Program” in Jasin Tamil School. The committee also under his guidance, organized Deepavali Night 98’ held at the Multimedia University Main Hall.

In July 1999, the 3rd AGM was held. Mr. R. Kavindran was elected as the President for the society at this time. His committee carried on the tradition of the previous committees by organizing welfare programs, cultural shows, sports activities and other activities.

The first woman President of the society, Miss Anna Preethi Rajagopal was elected in July 2000 which was the 4th AGM. Her committee too had new standards for the society in order to help the community and serve the needy.

In the 5th AGM, Mr. Saravana Kugan was elected in July 2001 and his committee followed the footsteps and the tradition existing in ICS and helped the unfortunate ones as much as possible.

Mr. K. Povenesan, our sixth President was elected in July 2002. He and his committee carried out a lot more activities and continued the next step to improve ICS.

Our 7th President, Mr. Shasidharan.J was elected as the President of ICS in the 7th AGM. His leadership that emphasizes more on intellectual development of the society has leaded the society to organize more activities that challenges its members in various fields. Remarkable events that took was organized under his presidency was MMU Beats 2004, National SMC Mega Seminar and National Youth Convention.

Our 8th President, Mr. L. Puvaneswaren was elected on October 2004, he emphasizes more on charity and welfare. Serving the society 2 years as the president, he manage to initiate programs such as Interactive Computer Training, Basic Adult Computer Training and Seminar Attack not forgetting volunteering in many of social works in Melaka.

Our 9th President, Mr. M. Sasi Kumar was elected as the President on October 2006. Continuing the tradition of the previous committee, he derived all the educational programs a step ahead as Excellence in Education, the program which became the talk of the town today. Other than that, he also emphasizes on cultural exposure and intellectual development to varsity students. He is also know as the God Father of ICS MMU Melaka.

Our last President, Mr Vinodtheran was elected as the President on December 2008. He too followed the footsteps of the previous presidents, that have made various changes in committees and commitments of the members. Mr. Vinodtheran was the president barely for only 6 months due to his final year studies, despite the short time, he managed to keep up the pace and lead the society to win the two most honorable awards ever :
1) Best Club Of the Year 2008/2009
2) Winners of the ICS Intercampus 2008/2009

Our current president Mr.RajaRajan was elected as the President on October 2009, he is a visionary president who works for quality and quantity for the society. The name of our current president is talking for itself(Raja Rajan = Raja Raja Cholan, one of the Best Emeperor of the Tamils). Mr.Rajan is keen on the idea of making ICS exposed and integrated with respect and friendship with other universities from the outer part of Malacca. He has implemented a few new events and modified some which can be university friendly to the others, such as 3C Programme(collaboration with MIYC Melaka) IFT (Intervarsity Football Tournament), Valentine Fever, Bollywood Nite and more.

Recent achievements of ICS MMU Melaka :

1) Best Club award of the year 2008/2009 (ICS)
2) Most Significant Charity Programme Award 2008/2009 (Tuition Class)
3) Best Entrepreneurship Award 2008/2009 (Sweet Memories of Valentine)
4) Highest Charity Funding Award 2008/2009 (Tuition Class Building)
5) Winners of the ICS Intercampus 2008/2009 (Againts Cyberjaya campus)
6) Producing ever better Talent Shows by years (Talent Gala 2009)
7) Better organized events than the previous years (Open Kabbadi 2009)

The conclusion is, ICS is improving tremendously and stretching its good doing influence to wide areas as time pasts and has proved countless times of its capability in carrying out its objectives in being an established society. We hope that ICS gets better support from all staff, student and public in order to serve the community successfully and sincerely throughout the year and forever.

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